ÖH Elections 2023

Dear students, here you will find all information about the ÖH elections on May 5th, 10th and 11th! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! Finally, one more wish on our part: please vote and participate in this important democratic process! You decide who will represent you in the future!

– Announcement of election times
– Announcement polling places
– Forms for campaigning groups and candidatures
– Announcement of campaigning groups ÖH federal representation
– Announcement of the campaign lists (HV) and candidatures (STV)
– Announcement of prohibited zone

Do you have questions about the ÖH election? write us! 


Du hast Fragen zur ÖH-Wahl? Schreibe uns! Fülle entweder unser Formular aus, oder klicke auf diesen Link:
